Dr. Darrin L. Hartness spent his entire career serving as an educator in North Carolina. He became the fourth president of Davidson County Community College – which later became Davidson-Davie – in January 2019.
Prior to serving as college president, he served for 28 years in K-12 public education, including eleven years as superintendent of Davie County Schools and Mount Airy City Schools. His background also includes time spent as a teacher, principal, chief technology officer, assistant superintendent, and adjunct professor.

During his time at Davidson-Davie, he quickly became known and loved for promoting a culture of compassion and caring, not only within the college but also encompassing the broader communities that support the college’s students – the annual “Day of Service” was one of his initiatives. Together, he believed, we would all be stronger, kinder, and most effective in our service to others.
Supporting President Hartness’ Legacy
of Compassion and Caring
Hartness Excellence Endowment
Established by the Davidson-Davie Board of Trustees and Foundation, the Hartness Excellence Endowment supports innovative thinking, the pursuit of new opportunities, and the recognition of distinguished service among college faculty and staff. This fund recognizes President Darrin L. Hartness’ enduring commitment to a campus culture of caring, whereby all members of the campus community support each other and are advocates for student success.
Hartness Student Success Scholarship
The Hartness Student Success Scholarship is awarded each year to a graduating Davidson-Davie student who is a resident of Davie County or a graduate of a Davie County high school or home school, with preference to a student pursuing a four-year education degree. Established by the NC School Superintendents Association and the NC Association of Community College Presidents, the scholarship honors Dr. Darrin L. Hartness, president of the college since 2019 and a K-12 educator for 28 years.
News Coverage:
Darrin Hartness, president of Davidson-Davie Community College, dies | Winston-Salem Journal
Darrin L. Hartness | The Dispatch